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What’s on the horizon for Raffles/Lotteries?

Excerpt from the December 2015/January 2016 Fundraising & Philanthropy Magazine RAFFLES/LOTTERIES Steven Banks Managing Director Aspire Non Profit Consulting How has the area of raffle/lottery fundraising performed over the last 12-18 months?  Prize-led fundraising has continued to be a resilient avenue of unfettered funds, with some programs achieving 10%-30% increases in active data. Programs that adequately […]

How not for profit organisations can win with lotteries

Lotteries, raffles, art unions – whatever name you give them, they are all games of chance. Applying these programs to a not for profit organisation creates incentivised giving, which can become a very powerful tool to acquire and retain supporters. The not for profit sector in Australia is a crowded and competitive marketplace. Pro bono […]